Greater Columbia
Water Trail
The Wenatchee Row and Paddle Club is a repository of information regarding the Central District of the Greater Columbia Water Trails. The Central District runs from Grand Coulee Dam to Rock Island Dam. This page will be updated with further information regarding the Greater Columbia Water Trail.
Mid-Columbia River Water Trail Support Group
The Mid-C River Water Trail Support Group is a collection of volunteers who are available to provide logistical help to long-distance paddlers passing through the Mid-Columbia. The most common challenge for long distance excursions on the Columbia River Trail is portage around the dams. The Mid-C River Water Trail Support Group helps with portage as well as other needs paddlers may have on their journey.
Modeled after the Pacific Crest Trail Angel System, volunteers will help with:
Portage around Chief Joe, Wells, Rocky Reach, Rock Island, Wanapum, and Priest Rapids dams.
Transport to get supplies, food, medical help, etc.
Hosting paddlers for meals, a place to sleep, do laundry, use a computer, etc.
Local paddlers joining trekkers on the river as they pass through
Other things paddlers might need…Just ask!
Volunteers are available for various levels of support in Bridgeport, Pateros, Wenatchee, Ephrata, and Kennewick.
If you are a paddler who needs assistance during your excursion, contact Scott Kreiter at or
call/text at 509-668-2233.