Frequently Asked Questions
Hi there! My name is Saint Brooks I am the Website Manager.
Soon the club will be unveiling a new site! There will be videos posted below on how to guide you to get the full use of all the tools the site has to offer you!
Did you know you can do so many new things such as sign your waiver or check your payment status just by logging into your account and clicking subscriptions! Until our new site if finalized please read the three most common questions and answers below!
1. Question: How do I know if my payment status is up to date?
Answer: Log in to your account by clickung the "Log In" button in the top left hand corner. Once you log in click the button again which should be replaced by your name or email. A drop down menu will appear click "My Subscriptions" and you will see all of your subscriptions. If it is active is will say active or if it is cancelled it will say cancelled.
2. Question: How do I know if my Liabilty Waiver is signed?
Answer: Starting in 2022 we offered E-Liability Waivers where before they had to be signed by paper. Starting in Jan 1st 2023 when you sign the new online e-waiver your account will have a colored badge that says LB 23 in big noticeable lettering.
3. Question: How to check boat storage payment status?
Still need help or have question pick on of two options on the right!
2. Click the contact page and send use a message!